Looking to make a claim?
Don't worry, we're here to help you every step of the way. Contact us as soon as you're safe.
What do you want to make a claim for?
Please click on the most relevant scenario based on your circumstances, this will provide you with important information about your claim and allow you to start the claims process.
Things you will be asked for when completing the online claim form
• Details of the incident
• Any photos or videos you may have (maximum of 8 photographs)
• Any other supporting documents
• Any information you feel we need to know about the incident
Please remember the total excess payable on any claim is a combination of both your compulsory and voluntary excess amounts, these can be found on your policy schedule in My Documents
If you have chosen to add...
Home Emergency cover
The Home Emergency claims team are very experienced in providing help to homeowners in times of crisis. Simply call the home emergency number 24-hours a day on 0345 604 4226, and give your name, address, postcode and the nature of the emergency.
➤ more info
Simply call the Home Emergency helpline, and give your name, address and postcode and the nature of the emergency and arrange for a local reputable contractor to come to your home and carry out emergency repairs. An advisor will confirm the details of the appointed contractor with you, who will call you directly with an arrival time. No need to call around for quotes or to find dependable tradesmen - one call to the Home Emergency helpline, day or night, and help is at hand. Before requesting assistance, please check that the circumstances are covered - please refer to the policy for terms and conditions.
Pest cover
When you discover a wasps' or hornets' nest or an infestation of rats, mice, grey squirrels or bed bugs in your house, simply call the Pest cover helpline 24-hours a day on 0345 604 4227 and they will arrange for a reputable contractor to come to your house to carry out emergency extermination or control of the pests.
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An advisor will call you to confirm the details of the appointed contractor and arrange the time of their visit. An advisor will confirm the details of the appointed contractor with you, who will call you and arrange the time of their visit. No need to call around for a local contractor - one call to the Pest cover helpline, day or night, and help is at hand.
Family Legal Protection
If you'd like to register your claim online, you can do so by using this form.
If you wish to speak to one of the legal teams about a legal problem, please phone 0345 604 4225. You will be asked about the issue and if necessary, you will receive a call back giving the legal advice.
➤ more info
If your issue cannot be dealt with through legal advice and needs to be dealt with as a potential claim under this policy, contact us on 0345 604 4225 and we will give you a reference number. At this point we will not be able to tell you whether you are covered but we will pass the information you have given us onto the claims handling teams and explain what to do next. Please do not ask for help from a lawyer, accountant or anyone else before we have agreed that you should do so. If you do, we will not pay the costs involved even if we accept the claim.
➤ Important information about making a Storm claim
Can we ask that you take the time to read this information BEFORE you complete the claim form as it contains important information.
You will be able to upload photographs of the damage and any invoices or estimates you have to get to support your claim.
• Any damage inside your home (buildings and contents)• Any damage or affected areas to the outside of your home (e.g. roof)
• Any other photos that would help us to understand your claim (e.g. an overview picture of the affected rooms in addition to any close ups)
You can also upload videos alongside any photographs, this helps us to understand more about the areas affected, and their surroundings
Only take these photos / videos IF IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, for example, you should be able to take pictures of your roof from the ground. If you have a trades person attending your home, they may be able to take some photos for you.
We define storm conditions as ‘wind speeds of 55 mph or above, 25mm or more of rainfall in any 24-hour period, snow to a depth of at least 1ft (300mms) in 24-hours, hail of such intensity that it causes damage to hard surfaces or breaks glass, according to Our weather data.’WHAT IS COVERED?
We will pay for loss of or damage to Your Buildings or Contents as a result of StormWHAT IS NOT COVERED?
We will not pay for loss or damage:• to gates, hedges or fences
• caused by frost
• caused by or resulting from the failure of a flat felt roof due to wear and tear or lack of maintenance
• caused by rising ground water levels which happens gradually over a period of time
• to car ports, canopies and awnings
• caused by Subsidence, Heave or Landslip
• to alterations or extensions to Your Buildings until completed.
• to contents in your garden
• caused by wear and tear, lack of maintenance or that happens gradually over time
If you need emergency repairs to make your home safe or water tight, get in contact with a local qualified trades person as soon as possible. Make sure you ask for photographs of the damage caused before and after the repair and obtain an itemised invoice for the works they have carried out.WHAT ARE YOUR NEXT STEPS?
You may also wish to obtain an estimate if you feel the damage is minimal and may not exceed your excess. If you have any contents that have been damaged, please do not dispose of these before we confirm if you are covered as we may need to inspect them.WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
Once we receive your online claims form, we will review your claim and contact you to let you know what happens next. This may include instructing a surveyor to attend your property to assess the damage, we may request further information or discuss settlement options if we’re able to. The Surveyors role is to inspect the damage, confirm what is covered by your policy and agree settlement costs with you.
Need to make a claim for a Water Leak?
(from pipes and equipment)
➤ Important information about making a Water Leak claim
Can we ask that you take the time to read this information BEFORE you complete the claim form as it contains important information.
Whilst we can look to cover the damage the leak has caused, the physical repair of the leak itself is your responsibility and we ask that the leak is repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage occurring. If you have any Home Emergency cover they may be able to assist.
We will pay for loss of or damage to Your Buildings or Contents as a result of water escaping from water tanks, pipes, fixed equipment, any domestic appliance or fixed heating systems, or as a result of water freezing in water tanks, equipment or pipes.TRACE & ACCESS – (This is any reasonable damage the plumber causes to locate the leak.)
If the Buildings are damaged due to water escaping from water tanks, pipes, equipment or fixed heating systems in the Home, we will pay for the reasonable cost of removing and replacing any part of the Buildings necessary to find the source of the leak and making good the removed or replaced elements of the Building.WHAT IS NOT COVERED? We will not pay for loss or damage:
• if Your House is Unfurnished or Unoccupied• caused by overflowing water from wash basins, sinks, bidets, showers, and baths as a result of the taps being left on
• caused by failure or lack of appropriate sealant and/or grout
• caused by gradual operating cause
• to the tank, pipe or installation itself if caused by normal wear and tear
• to Your Buildings resulting in Subsidence, Heave or Landslip caused by the escaping water
• The 'General Exclusions' also apply which can be found in your policy booklet.
If you need emergency repairs to stop the leak, please contact Home Emergency if you have this cover, otherwise please get in contact with a local qualified trades person as soon as possible. Make sure you ask for photographs of the damage caused before and after the repair and obtain an itemised invoice for the works they have carried out. Please find some hints and tips here on what to do to prevent further damage.WHAT ARE YOUR NEXT STEPS?
Once the leak has been fixed, you may wish to obtain an estimate if you feel the damage is minimal and may not exceed your excess. If you have any contents that have been damaged, please do not dispose of these before we confirm if you are covered as we may need to inspect them.
Once we receive your online claims form, we will review your claim and contact you to let you know what happens next. This may include instructing a surveyor to attend your property to assess the damage, we may request further information or discuss settlement options if we’re able to. The Surveyors role is to inspect the damage, confirm what is covered by your policy and agree settlement costs with you.
Need to make a Theft from Home claim?
➤ Important information about making a Theft from Home claim
Can we ask that you take the time to read this information BEFORE you complete the claim form as it contains important information.
The online claim form will allow you to provide details of your loss, upload photographs or video footage of the damage.
Please try to give as much information as possible as this will help us to review your claim.
If you need emergency repairs to make your home safe, please contact Home Emergency if you have this cover, otherwise please get in contact with a local qualified trades person as soon as possible. Make sure you ask for photographs of the damage caused before and after the repair and obtain an itemised invoice for the works they have carried out.Please report the incident to the police and provide details of the station and crime reference number. We would suggest that you take photos or provide video footage of how entry was gained to your home, and of any rooms that items have been taken from.
Once we have received your completed claim form, we will confirm if you have cover and will let you know if we require any further documents to be sent, such as proof of ownership.OTHER INSURANCE?
If you have any other insurance that may cover this incident (Specific items may be insured through a bank or gadget insurance, for example), please provide the name, address and policy number within the form.
Need to make a Theft Away from Home claim?
➤ Important information about making a Theft away from Home claim
Can we ask that you take the time to read this information BEFORE you complete the claim form as it contains important information.
The online claim form will allow you to provide details of your loss, upload photographs or video footage of the damage.
Please try to give as much information as possible as this will help us to review your claim.
If you need emergency repairs to make your home safe, please contact Home Emergency if you have this cover, otherwise please get in touch with a local qualified trades person as soon as possible. Please report the incident to the police and provide details of the station and crime reference number.WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
Once we have received your completed claim form, we will confirm if you have cover and will let you know if we require any further documents to be sent, such as proof of ownership.OTHER INSURANCE?
If you have any other insurance that may cover this incident (Specific items may be insured through a bank or gadget insurance, for example), please provide the name, address and policy number within the form.
Need to make an Accidental Damage claim?
This cover is in force only if you have specifically added it to your policy, this will be clear on your Policy Schedule or in your MyAccount.
Can we ask that you take the time to read this information BEFORE you complete the claim form as it contains important information. Accidental damage is an additional cover that you can select to cover a single unexpected and unintended event within the home. If you have selected personal possessions or specified items, cover will extend away from the home too.
We will pay for Accidental Damage to Your Buildings or Contents as a direct result of a single unexpected and unintended event.WHAT IS NOT COVERED? We will not pay for loss or damage:
• arising during or as a result of cleaning, dyeing, alterations, restoration, repair or renovation• caused by moth, vermin, birds, insects, fungi, dry or wet rot
• caused by domestic pets, chewing, scratching, fouling, tearing or vomiting
• caused by paying guests or tenants
• if your home is ‘Unfurnished’ or ‘Unoccupied’
• caused by weather or atmospheric conditions
• cost of maintenance or routine decoration
• to your buildings while your home or any part is lent or sub-let
• to any alterations or extensions to your ‘Your Home’ until the alteration or extension is complete
• your contents caused by ‘You’ or ‘Your Household’ defreezing freezers and/or refrigerators or if the contents if your freezer and/or refrigerator are spoiled for any other reason
• while you move home, unless a professional removal firm is moving them
• while in a furniture storage facility, salesroom or exhibition
• which are more specifically insured by this or any other policy
• the 'General Exclusions' also apply which can be found in your policy booklet.
• check you have accidental damage cover• do not repair or replace the item without our consent
• keep any damaged item for inspection – do not dispose of any items
• take photographs of the item or damage and upload these when making your claim online
• we will require evidence of ownership and/or proof of purchase, such as receipts/valuations
• we can choose to pay the cost of repairs, arrange for repairs or give you an equivalent replacement
• if it is not possible to repair and an equivalent replacement is available, but you do not agree with these settlement options, we will pay you cash based on the applicable equivalent repair or replacement cost to us
• the replacement cost of an item can increase or decrease in value compared to the original retail price however an equivalent replacement will be based on specifications rather than the original purchase cost
• the total excess on any claim is a combination of both your compulsory and voluntary excess amounts which can be found in your schedule in My Documents
• if we settle a claim for contents, personal possessions or specified items any items subsequently recovered becomes our property
Once we receive your online claims form, we will review your claim and contact you to let you know what happens next. This may include appointing a supplier or surveyor to assess the damage, or we may request further information or discuss settlement options if we’re able to.