Mobile Insurance
Top rated home insurance cover for your mobile phone
Trusted by customers with their car and home insurance
Is mobile phone insurance worth it?
If you’re not checking up on your besties’ Instagram stories, you’re snapping photos of your favourite pet and catching up on texts – you’re always on your phone! It’s not a bad thing, you just may want to make sure you’d be covered if anything happened to it.
Luckily, if you have contents insurance with Sheilas’ Wheels, your mobile might already be covered. If you’re looking to customise your cover or just see what’s out there, read on for a full explanation of what we could cover.
Should I get phone insurance?
We can’t answer that for you, but we can definitely give you all the details you’ll need to decide for yourself.
Here at Sheilas’ Wheels, we don’t offer standalone mobile phone insurance, but we do offer two ways of covering your phone. The first is contents insurance. If you already have contents insurance with us, you’ll know that it covers items in your home for a value of up to £1,500. If you don’t already have contents insurance with us, well, now you know!
What you may not know, though, is that contents insurance only covers your belongings as long as you keep them in your house. All well and good on a cozy evening in, but when you’re on that night out? If you drop your mobile in your drink or it's stolen from your bag on the dance floor, it won’t be covered.
Of course, if you like taking your phone out and about (how else would you get those snaps – or steps?), there’s another option for you. Personal Possessions Cover will also cover items up to £1,500, even if they’re taken outside of your home, as long as they are kept on your person (yes, in your handbag counts!).
Personal Possessions can be added on to your buildings and contents policy or contents only policy for your home, so if you get contents insurance then add Personal Possessions, your mobile could be covered wherever you take it!
Finally, if you think your phone would cost more than £1,500 to replace, we would need you to add it as a specified item to your home Insurance.
Think you’ve got it? We’ve summarised the key points of each type of cover in the table below:
Contents | Personal Possessions |
Up to £1,500 cover | Up to £1,500 cover |
Standard type of Sheilas’ Wheels coverage | Optional extra that can be added to your Sheilas’ Wheels buildings and contents home policy |
Covers mobile phone only as long as it is kept securely in your home | Covers your mobile phone when outside your home and carried on your person |
Covers mobile phone for replacement if lost, stolen, or damaged | Covers mobile phone for replacement if lost, stolen, or damaged |
What is and isn't covered
You couldn’t live without your mobile – and you shouldn’t have to! If anything happened to it, here’s what we could cover:
Phone Replacement | YES | If your phone is lost, stolen, or suffers irreparable damage, we can cover the replacement of your phone up to £1,500. |
NO | If your phone no longer works due to normal wear and tear, unfortunately, we will not be able to replace it. Cover is intended for items that have been rendered unusable in extenuating circumstances. | |
Repairs | YES | Some repairs may be covered under personal possessions insurance, but the cost of the repairs can sometimes end up being little more than the value of the excess you would pay on the policy. In those cases, you need to decide if it would make more sense to pay for the repair than to make a claim (plus, claiming will affect your No Claims Discount!) If you are unsure about whether a repair or other procedure is covered with your mobile phone insurance, we’re happy to chat with you about it on 0345 045 1000. |
Screen replacement | YES | If your screen has been damaged to the point that it affects the functionality of your mobile, we should be able to cover it but bear in mind the excess applicable to your policy as the cost of replacement may be only a little more than the excess. In that case, you would need to decide if it might make more sense to pay for the repair than to make a claim. |
NO | If your phone falls from your hand onto cobblestones as you were snapping a travel selfie or gets trampled underfoot at a football match, but you are still able to use your phone we will not be able to cover its screen replacement. | |
Travel Data Overage | NO | If you go on holiday abroad and realise that you posted all those poolside snaps on roaming data instead of the resort’s wifi, unfortunately, you won’t be covered for the charges incurred. |

Other Optional Extras you can get with your home insurance
Getting these great Optional Extras for mobile phone insurance can help enhance your cover.

Pest Cover
Spend a little extra to avoid ringing around – you can claim for the call out charge and the professional extermination or control of wasps, hornets nests, rats, mice or grey squirrels subject to an overall limit of £150 (including VAT per claim).
For the treatment of bed bugs this cover will pay the contractors charges subject to a maximum of three treatments / extermination and an overall limit of £200 (including VAT) of bed bugs in one infested area in the event of an emergency.